
Ok, Wow it just dawned on me this morning that I haven't blogged since Dec. I know, I know I suck at this. I'm really going to try harder. PROMISE!!!

Spring is approaching. Not fast enough its still too chilly for me. I feel spring fever slowly entering into my veins. I get giddy when its warm enough to wear a tshirt and a cardigan(thats my thang) maybe even flip flops. You say upper 60's I perk up a little. When its awesome outside you want to do awesome things. Like: run, jump, swing on the monkey bars like I had a chance to do last thurs. I had a blast doing random things with my Justin just because it was warm and just because :). I was thankful and aware of the goodness of the God I serve. I was thankful that he is in control even over the seasons in our lives. And even though Fall and Summer are my favs. I still appreciate all of the seasons.They teach us lessons. They produce growth within us. Whether it may be goodness or calamity. There is a purpose and plan for them all.
In this Im reminded of: To every thing there is a {a} season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. Ecc. 3:1

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