
sept. 11,2008

I just wanted to go over one of the thoughts in my head. Has anyone heard that new song by Usher. Its about moving mtns. THINGS you can't move. So you LEAVE them. You walk away from them. It's never been easy for me to let go. When I have something in my heart, in my head. I hold steadfast to it. I try my best to fight for it. Some battles aren't worth fighting for I realize that later on down the road. Some aren't meant for you to win. I truly believe this and I tell my friends the same thing. Everything happens for a reason.Good and Bad.

Don't take anything for granted especially people. If you love someone let them know. Don't be afraid of love. To love. Yeah its gonna hurt. But life is worth the pain and laughter, joy and sorrow. Its worth it. Its worth the time it takes to realize that some mountains you can't move. . You have to leave them. I think sometimes we hold on to things even though it may hurt because we become comfortable with the pain. We associate the pain with being alive. I know, I know it really doesn't make sense,but we are strange beings. I'm the one that gives a 100%, the one who doesn't want to walk away,but knows I should.I'm the fighter standing beside the mountain metaphorically speaking. A mountain filled with so many rocks and boulders called disappointment, and fear.. you catch my drift? . I'm standing there with my ounce of hope that fire of optimism that causes me to fight. And sometimes it just not meant to be. Somethings you just have to leave.

This topic reminds me of that prayer:
God, grant me the SERENITYto accept the things I cannot change ~COURAGE to change the things I can;and WISDOM to know the difference.

Something to think about.. the wisdom to know the difference between things you can change and things you can't. Just reading that at first. Your like how can you not know the difference. But when your facing something, or someone. It's hard to know . It can be hard figuring out the differnce. What are the mountains in your life?

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