
my official blog Post

* note to reader: I have been blogging on myspace since July. These are my blogs from past to present

OK, so I have decided to become a blogger. Since I have changed jobs I'm not able to be as creative as I would like to be. And its driving me up the wall. People who are naturally creative and artistic understand this. You long to do something with your hands. You desire to be challenged. To utilize your mind.So why not write?(this is what I said to myself) It's one of the things I love to do. I'm not to good with expressing myself verbally, but here. On paper. It comes natural. Yet it challenges me. It keeps me real. It keeps me honest with myself and you. I wouldn't lie to you. Not sure if anyone is going to read anything I have to say. Oh, well. So, I
guess I should set the stage for what you can expect from me as an official blogger. ooh lalala
1. Boredom. I said I wouldn't lie to you
2. Mis spelled word. (do not send me comments correcting my grammatical errors you will be dropped from my buddy list FOREVER) besides who has time for spell check?
3. Randomness.what can I say its a part of who I am Random
4. Passion. I love the Lord and he loves me. Often I will write about him. because he is the lover of my soul. He gives me the hope. don't like it to bad
5. Emotion. sometimes you will cringe with sickness from all the emotional details. Ha! don't get your hopes up my life is boring.
I'm going to give this thing a go. Probably a couple times a week. We will see how it goes. until then....

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